How to Home-Dry Tomatoes and a Farmer’s Frittata Recipe

By Terri Rozema

Last year around this time I was fiendishly canning our tomatoes, yet I wanted other options for preservation. Since I’m a sun-dried tomato junkie, I thought I would give it a shot. I knew that actually sun-drying them wasn’t an option, so I did my research and decided to dehydrate. It worked out deliciously splendid and so simple. It’s been almost a year and I still am enjoying my home-dried tomatoes.

There are many reasons why I love dried tomatoes. Maybe it’s their super-concentrated savory-sweetness, the pleasure of each chewy bite, or the vast diversity of uses. The flavors will be more complex and the texture more exciting if several varieties are dried at the same time.

There are many dehydrators on the market. I happen to have a Breville Smart Oven Air, which has dehydration capabilities; but If I were going to purchase one it would most likely be an Excalibur. If you don’t have a dehydrator, no problem. Directions for oven drying will be listed after the dehydration method. 

Wondering how to incorporate home-dried tomatoes into your meals? I love them on pizza, as a hummus topper, added to cheese dips, folded into cold pasta salads, tossed into a hot pasta dish, and inside frittatas. Speaking of frittatas, I wanted to share my newest recipe.


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