We are thrilled to offer an incredible line of Pasture Boxes in partnership with Joel Salatin and Polyface Farm. Joel is an iconic figure, a pioneer leading the charge in regenerative farming, taking a holistic approach to living symbiotically with the land and improving the health and wellbeing of people, plants, animals and the microbiology of the soil.
Truth be told, we support local farmers, as does Joel, who freely shares his knowledge with anyone who wants to learn how to replicate his farming methods. So, if you have your own farmstead or trusted local pastured meat sources, stay local if you can. And if you don’t have access to high quality pastured meats, you can be assured that our Pasture Boxes include the finest selections available:
GMO-free, pesticide-free, antibiotic-free, stress-free
100% pasture-raised naturally in species-appropriate environments at normal growth rates
Negative “carbon” footprint (healing and improving the land)
Something for everyone
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Polyface Farm
All our meats are sourced directly from Polyface Farms, owned and operated by Joel Salatin and the Salatin family for four generations. Often referred to as the patriarch of regenerative farming and a self-proclaimed “Christian libertarian environmentalist capitalist lunatic farmer,” Joel is a strong advocate of supporting local agriculture and freely shares what he’s learned about not only conserving the earth’s resources and healing the land, but harvesting nature’s bounty while simultaneously improving, rather than depleting, our environment.
100% pasture-raised, processed and packaged fresh at Polyface:
Pasture Meat Boxes FAQs
Dr. Cowan’s Pasture orders are shipped directly from Polyface Farms in Swoope, Virginia, in separate, insulated boxes, with dry ice and degradable packing peanuts to fill empty space. These are perishable items that require careful packaging to ensure they maintain temperature during the shipping process. Depending on what shipping zone you are in, in proximity to the farm, your order will be shipped via either UPS ground (1-2 day shipping time) or UPS 2-day Priority mail.
Our Powders and Pantry products are shelf-stable, and shipped from our central U.S. fulfillment center, via your choice of express or ground shipping. Our Pasture products are different; they are coming from the Salatin family farm in Virginia, and the meat products are shipped frozen on dry ice, in insulated packaging. Between the frozen meats and/or bones, the insulated box and enough dry ice to keep the product cool as it ships potentially across the country, these boxes are BULKY and HEAVY, and UPS shipping charges are based on weight and box dimensions.
Currently, Polyface Farms ships on Tuesdays, and your package will arrive to you in 1-2 days, 3 days maximum. Orders placed by Sunday at 7:00 p.m. EST will ship the following Tuesday.
Please transfer your product directly into your freezer or refrigerator as soon as possible after the box arrives. Handle your box, and any remaining dry ice, with extreme care. Open your box in a WELL-VENTILATED AREA to prevent asphyxiation, and DO NOT TOUCH THE DRY ICE WITH YOUR BARE HANDS. Use gloves, tongs or a towel. Touching dry ice can result in skin burns and/or irritation. Leave the dry ice to melt and dissipate into gas in a well-ventilated area and keep away from children and pets. DO NOT EAT OR SWALLOW DRY ICE. Because dry ice can cause carbon dioxide gas to accumulate and build up pressure, DO NOT DISPOSE OF