Thank Cod for Sunchokes

By Esther Boateng

At this time of the year, I’m grateful for the newly harvested sunchokes a close friend donates to our family, as they’re one of my favorite root vegetables. They’re tasty beyond belief and a Godsend when you fancy a change from potatoes. I eat a fair amount of potatoes, and it’s comforting to know there’s a slightly healthier substitute when I fancy it; that’s where sunchokes comes in handy.  

Prepare them just like potatoes: boil, steam, roast, or mash them. For this recipe, you can steam or roast them in the oven with a touch of seasoning.

Sunchokes pair well with pretty much any protein, such as a delicious piece of cod. For this recipe I’m using cod, but feel free to use your favorite fish. Go all out with the vegetable powders and seasoning, or if you prefer to be conservative, stick with a pinch of Pepper Salt. Whichever flavor profile you choose, I’m sure this meal will have your family singing your praises from all sides of the dinner table. 
