Sausage and Sage Sarnie

By Esther Boateng

Looking for tasty toast toppers? This toasted sandwich (or sarnie) is probably the closest you’ll get to eating store bought pizza without eating actual pizza. Take a thick slice of sourdough, sausage meat seasoned with sage, oregano, wild ramp, and organ-based seasoning, and top it with a generous blend of smoked seaside cheddar, milk, or cream, and you’ll have a tasty slice of nice, or two that you’ll want to eat any time of the day, not just as a snack. 

Upgrade your sausage topping with a handful of hemp seeds and some scallions if you fancy a bit of chopping. If you use unseasoned over-the-counter sausage, no problem, add extra herbs and spices such as sage, oregano, and organ seasoning, and perhaps some garlic powder. Use a strong cheese in the topping such as a bold cheddar or Gruyère, and this snack will ooze with flavor.
